It was last month, my friend Senthil called me and told me that he was getting all old friends to catch up for lunch. This is a group from my good old Pre university Days. That is 1994. Post PUC most of us moved to different colleges and took up various walks of life. It had been a good 15 years , in between yes one of two meetings, but not in groups. He managed to pull in 8 of us for this get together.
All we could do for a couple of hours was just talk about the days we spent in tuitions, classes or what we call the famous “ ADDA” after tuitions and remember instances of molecular size. We could recall instances and have a hearty laugh at our stupidities as fresh as if it was yesterday.
None of us were even interested to know what the other was doing or how successful, or not one has been. I guess this friendship circle that we develop during our young age will guess continue to be this way even if we all go fully grey. I sincerely cherish this wonderful friendship of all my friends who have stood by me at all times. I have put up the snap which we took the other day. I am going to make an effort to put the names of all these fellows now … Senthil, Anu, Brunda, Madhu, Satish, Dumma Satish, Aparna, Suma, Archana, Ranjitha, Nithin, Sushma, venkatesh. This was a whole gang , mobsters rather.
Each one was an entertainer in some way or the other,,, so if you are reading this blog, you can take that snap.
1 comment:
Thanks Krupa..A heart warming eulogy resurrecting the beautiful moments..When I look closely at the picture, I see contentment and happiness in everyone's face though personally each one is carrying some kind of his or her own cross. That's friendship.. Forgetting the worries and responsibilities even though just for a brief period and going back to those days of fun and frolic.. As for the picture, just likd old times making do with available resources.. A phone camera is better than a photographic memory.. You captured the moment and we will cherish it.. Thanks.. Your contribution here will be forever etched in the history of time.. Blabbering as always..
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