Ok does it sound like a story to you , well actually it can be narrated that way.
Today morning was that very special morning which comes every year in everyone’s life. The day of Diwali. Time to shop, eat, pray , love ( sounds like that new movie) but yes that is what we all do.
So just like each year, this year also me and vinayak set out to do our shopping for the very basics such as flowers, fruits, Laai& batasha( the prasad that is usually given during the festival after Lakshmi Pooja).( puffed rice and Sugar candy in circular shape)
We went to our good old Yeshwantpur market.. and lo do you have the space to even walk. The place was just bustling with business , the dampness every where with the rain. The bidding prices of the flowers , the heavy bargaining going on. It actually was great fun. Just in the middle of that place I stood to think, why do I love this old city so much.
Simple….. you don’t get to see this in the other side of the concrete jungle.
Your flamboyant cars have no value here, infact they just can’t enter this place.
You need to be on Nataraja service ( I mean walking) , your cycle or max your bike …:-)
Your platinum and Titanium cards are worthy to be put in the dustbin. Cash and Carry :-)
The whole market is so colourful. Ok coming back to Lai and Batasha…. This time for some reason Lai was not to be found in a few common places where we used to go, they ran out of stock. Each guy started to show us the next shop, next lane, next road to go and check if they would have. In this bargain I actually took a full view of the market. Right from the road that sold only fish , to the street that just sold flowers and fruits…. I have never seen this place fully in my life….
Finally there was just one shop who just had a handful of Lai … and I guess I need to thank my stars for that.
I was so thrilled with the happenings around, I just took a few snaps… thanks to technology. :-) as always.
By the way I saw blue, green and purple roses… have you seen it before… amazing,.